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Alt brings an audiovisual performance which explores the possibilities of interpreting an electro-accoustic work in real time using a unique audiovisual device.

This is a digital sound sculpture as much as a visceral and emotional electro-accoustic performance. The power of the show lays in the physical battle between the musical instrument and himself.
The visually striking live set is built around a series of ropes and sensors, and he creates the music by pulling on the cords.

The gestural interaction with the device directs the behaviour of the audiovisual system and allows the interpretation of the work in real time.

This talented composer and musician offers an innovative electromusic performance, bringing a new dynamic to the live music scene.


VoxMagna Agency, technological Artists, Alt-84, installations, audiovisual performance, Electromusic performance,VoxMagna Agency, technological Artists, Alt-84, installations, audiovisual performance, Electromusic performance,
VoxMagna Agency, technological Artists, Alt-84, installations, audiovisual performance, Electromusic performance,VoxMagna Agency, technological Artists, Alt-84, installations, audiovisual performance, Electromusic performance,
VoxMagna Agency, technological Artists, Alt-84, installations, audiovisual performance, Electromusic performance,VoxMagna Agency, technological Artists, Alt-84, installations, audiovisual performance, Electromusic performance,
VoxMagna Agency, technological Artists, Alt-84, installations, audiovisual performance, Electromusic performance,VoxMagna Agency, technological Artists, Alt-84, installations, audiovisual performance, Electromusic performance,

Creative Services:


-Outdoor and Indoor performances

-Customization of melodies and music theme

-Customization of colours projected by audiovisual device

-Customization of projection to add to the live performance